Friday, 30 March 2012

Didi sweeps out most dailies from public libraries

Mamata do the RIGHT thing in a WRONG way

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee feels some newspapers have become too political. So, the state government has banned several newspapers, including Hindustan Times, in the state-owned and state-funded libraries triggering protests from all sections of civil society.
 Protests have erupted from different corners, even from those intellectuals who support the Trinamool Congress government. Congress, the main ally of the ruling party, has criticised the decision too.
Following a government order dated March 14, 2012 the state directed that only eight selected
newspapers will be purchased by the state-owned and state-funded libraries in West Bengal. All the eight newspapers featuring in government list are vernacular – five Bengali one Hindi and two Urdu newspapers.
 This means, there will be no English newspapers in the 2,060 state-owned and 422 state sponsored public libraries across the state.
 The West Bengal library services minister Abdul Karim Chowdhury met chief minister Mamata Banerjee at the secretariat during the day and held a meeting over the waves of protests. Emerging out of the
meeting he clarified that the circualar will not be withdrawn.
 "In public interest, government will not buy newspapers published or purported to be published by any political party either national or regional as a measure to develop free thinking among the readers," the
circular stated.
The state government's hypocrisy has been exposed.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Bhaduri Family History and Origins

Bhaduri family history has a rich and complex origin of which the particulars can be pieced together by Bhaduri family researchers. The Bhaduri family name is an old family line that has migrated all across the world over time, and as the name Bhaduri has migrated, it has evolved making it's origin challenging to uncover. This page is the home for a detailed history of the Bhaduri family name, Bhaduri etymology, and history of people with the Bhaduri name.

Overview of the Bhaduri surname
*        Bhaduri spelling variations
In early history when few people could write, names such as Bhaduri were transcribed based on how they sounded when people's names were recorded in court, church, and government records. This could have led to misspellings of Bhaduri. Researching misspellings and spelling variations of the Bhaduri last name are important to understanding the history of the name. Last names like Bhaduri vary in their spelling as they travel across villages, family lines, and countries across time.

*        Surnames related to Bhaduri
Related surnames should not be confused with surnames related through marriage. Those kinds of unions are best expressed with a Bhaduri family tree, rather than the list format shown here. Sometimes surnames like Bhaduri can change into distinctly different names when they spread to other countries, cross language barriers, or split into different families because of any of a number of reasons.

*        Bhaduri country of origin
The nationality of Bhaduri is often difficult to determine in cases which country boundaries change over time, making the original nationality a mystery. The original ethnicity of Bhaduri may be in dispute based on whether the surname originated naturally and independently in multiple locales; for example, in the case of last names that are based on a craft, which can appear in multiple regions independently (such as the name "Fisher" which was given to fishermen).

History of the Bhaduri surname
*        Bhaduri family history & origin    
The background of surnames diverge through the ages and are not necessarily tied to blood relations because not all last names are passed down from parent to child. Actually, names like Bhaduri are taken because of non-hereditary reasons. The Bhaduri family has a rich history which reaches many generations. The early history of Bhaduri extends back to antiquity, making a lot of the details of the surname difficult to trace completely. Discovering the origin of any surname is a fuzzy, but extremely fascinating exploration. As a result, this page needs information from users like you to paint an accurate picture of the origins of this family name. By tackling the history of family names as such, a page like this becomes a living document cultivated by people researching Bhaduri history.

*        Meaning of the last name Bhaduri
The meaning of Bhaduri come may come from a trade, such as the name "Fisher" which was given to fishermen. A lot of these trade-based last names might be a profession in some other language. This is why it is useful to research the country of origin of a name, and the languages used by it's family members. Many western names like Bhaduri come from religious texts such as the Bhagavadgītā, the Quran, the Bible, and so on. Often these family names relate to a religious sentiment such as "Favored of God".

*        Evolution of the Bhaduri name
The evolution of Bhaduri begins with it's early ancestors, when the name came into existence. Even in the earliest days of a name there are variations in that singlename simply because last names were infrequently written down at that stage in history. As families, tribes, and clans emigrated between countries, the Bhaduri name may have changed with them. Bhaduri family members have migrated around different countries all throughout history. It was common for a family name to change as it enters a new country or language.